Feb 18, 2019 | News
Invest in the smart industrial city! PAKRI Science and Industrial Park has been focusing on environmentally friendly and responsible entrepreneurship since the very beginning 11 years ago. By 2020 PAKRI wants to become the leading green technology competence...
Feb 18, 2019 | News
Rohetehnoloogilistest lahendustest ja säästvast mõtteviisist räägitakse palju, enamasti seoses jätkusuutlikkuse ja keskkonnahoiuga. Vähem on aga juttu sellest, et rohetehnoloogiatesse investeerimine on ka majanduslikult mõistlik. Loe ja saa teada, miks. Toetavad...
Feb 8, 2019 | News
Green technology is a relatively new industry, and as with any new direction, it creates some doubts in people. The representatives of large and old industries are particularly distrustful and to dispel these doubts, will briefly explain the nature of green technology...
Jan 27, 2019 | News
At the Annual Environmentally-friendly Company gala on Wednesday evening PAKRI Science and Industrial Park was awarded the title of the most environmentally-friendly Estonian company for the development of environmentally-friendly and green technology, having left...
Jan 26, 2019 | News
At end-January, in the discussion within the framework of sTARTUp Day said Enn Laansoo Jr, CEO of PAKRI Scienceand Industrial Park, that although he would prefer the company development with the support of Estonian capital, an idea of, for instance, Chinese-Estonian...