
PAKRI Smart Industrial City

PAKRI Science and Industrial Park     

PAKRI Smart Grid       

City of Paldiski, Estonia


For more information about our synergy: SERVICES, INVESTMENTS, SALE and LEASING information, please reach us using contacts below:


Ragmar Saksing

Greentech Sector Manager

phone: +372 525 4265; e-mail: ragmar.saksing (ät)


Enn Laansoo, Jr.

CEO, Chairman of the Board

phone: +372 5216 858  e-mail: enn.laansoojr (ät)


Marti Laidre

Energy Advisor

e-mail: marti.laidre (ät)


Enn Laansoo, Sn.

PAKRI Smart Industrial City architect


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See more about  “Estonia is Tesla Country” campaign: and FB TeslaCountry


PAKRI Science and Industrial Park is a Responsible company and holds the silver quality stamp


Member of:

Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol


Smart City cluster


Estonian Wind Technology Association and Cluster


Sustainable Property and Energy Cluster


Association of Entrepreneurs of Paldiski



Swedish Innovators


Developed by:

NN Arendus Ltd.

PAKRI Teadus- ja Tööstuspark Ltd.

Energia- ja Keskkonnatehnoloogia Arenduskeskus Ltd.