Sep 22, 2021 | News
PAKRI Science and Industry Park is launching an investment fund for smart manufacturing companies operating in the field of green technology. The fund is making its first investment in ELMO Rent, which will produce remote control vehicle technology. With the initial...
Aug 15, 2021 | News
Over the next two years, an innovative power system will be erected in PAKRI Science and Industrial Park, which will enable researchers, companies and power end-users to research, develop and test innovative power network equipment and services. The Smart City Center...
Jun 4, 2021 | News
On Friday, 4 June, the initial public offering of ELMO Rent AS shares will start on the Tallinn Nasdaq stock exchange, with whose support the company plans to launch the testing of the remote car sharing service in Tallinn as early as this year. In addition, the...
Mar 4, 2021 | News
Ajaleht Postimees kirjutab, et Paldiskis asuvas viinaköögis valmistavad Tanel Lepp ja Uku-Mats Peedosk kääritatud jookidest käsitööviina ja pandeemiaajastu märgina ka puhastuspiiritust. Tanel ja Uku-Mats on Lõuna-Eestist pärit mehed, keda elu on toonud Tallinnasse....
Feb 8, 2021 | News
Avada PAKRI Teadus- ja Tööstuspargis tootmistehas, kaasata investeeringutena 450 000 eurot, laieneda Saksamaale ning pälvida 50 000eurone peaauhind Euroopa suurimal säästva tehnoloogia idufirmade konkursil PowerUp! – ja kõike seda ühe aastaga? Jah, see on Woola...