nov. 15, 2012 | Uudised
CEO of PAKRI, Mr. Enn Laansoo, Jr. completed 10- day energy efficiency and passive house course. The course is internationally recognized “Certified Passive House Designer” (CEPH, vt training. The knowledge from the training will give...
nov. 15, 2012 | Uudised
PAKRI tegevjuht Enn Laansoo, Jr. läbis energiatõhusa ehituse alused/passiivmaja meetod 10-päevalise koolituse. Tegemist rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud “Certified Passive House Designer” (CEPH, vt alusel toimuva koolitusega. Koolituselt...
nov. 4, 2012 | Uudised
PAKRI Science and Industrial Park and Tallinn Technical University (TTÜ) signed a contract, with what TTÜ starts with PAKRI smart-grid energy network scientific study. Scientific study will be finished latest on March 2013. This scientific study with TTÜ is the first...
nov. 4, 2012 | Uudised
PAKRI Teadus- ja Tööstuspark ning Tallinna Tehnika Ülikool (TTÜ) allkirjastasid lepingu, mille alusel alustab TTÜ PARKI smart-grid energiavõrku puudutava teadusuuringuga. Teadusuuring valmib hiljemalt märts 2013. Tegemist on PAKRI Teadus- ja Tööstuspargi ajaloos...
aug. 29, 2012 | Uudised
PRESS RELEASE: PAKRI Science and Industrial Park in City of Paldiski, Estonia and Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol signed a cooperation agreement under which both parties start developing specialized services for renewable energy companies. In addition, the collaboration...