Networking Night: Where is the Human in Design?

Networking Night: Where is the Human in Design? Location: Startup Inkubaatori UK Lounge, Mäealuse 2/1, 2nd floor Time: Thursday, June 16 at 5 PM – 9 PM *Are you developing innovative products that are tailored to suit your customer needs? *Do you know what...
Minister Oviir andis Tehnopoli uuele büroohoonele nurgakivi

Minister Oviir andis Tehnopoli uuele büroohoonele nurgakivi

Mustamäel asuv Tallinna Teaduspark Tehnopol alustas koos arenduspartneriga Astlanda Ehitus uue büroohoone kompleksi Tehnopol 2KV arendusega, millele asetati täna nurgakivi. Üritust käis avamas Eesti Vabariigi ettevõtlusminister Liisa Oviir. „Täna on ajalooliselt...
Live from Greentech Idea Day!

Live from Greentech Idea Day!

Right now, live from Tehnopol, Greentech Idea Day. For the second year already, people who are interested to develop greentech ideas are invited to join their forces under the lead of Startup Estonia and Tehnopol together with experienced support from Garage48. Event...