Sandor Liive- new Chairman of Supervisory Board

Sandor Liive- new Chairman of Supervisory Board

We are proud to announce that now we are even more stronger, more sustainable and equipped with valuable experience to develop further our PAKRI Science and Industrial Park, Smart City and Smart Grid. We have new Chairman Of The Supervisory Board, Mr. Sandor Liive....
Our Kivi 12 building complex is under energy efficiency study

Our Kivi 12 building complex is under energy efficiency study

PAKRI Science and Industrial Park’s first building complex Kivi str 12 is under energy efficiency study. During the study different electricity and heat energy monitoring devices and solutions will be studyed and tested, with the purpose to find out optimal...

Tehnopoli kokkuvõte rahvusvaheliselt Smart City messilt

Teaduspark Tehnopol osales koos Eesti targa linna klastri ettevõtetega rahvusvahelisel Smart City Expo 2016 messil EAS´i poolt korraldatud ühisstendiga, mis toimus 15. –17. novembril Barcelonas, Hispaanias. Messile kaasati mitmed Eesti targa linna kogukonna esindajad...
PAKRI in Smart City Expo, Barcelona

PAKRI in Smart City Expo, Barcelona

Pakri took part in Smart City Expo, Barcelona 14-18.11.2016. More information about EU’s one of the largest expos for Smart City, see