Mar 7, 2017 | News
Superb news: Pakri now accommodates its first natural cosmetics web sales center. Welcome to
Feb 20, 2017 | News
PAKRI is offering R&D for solar heating panel manufacture Sol Navitas, whose aim is to create a new solar heating panel for industrial buildings. Prototyping and testing started in February, and the whole R&D project will last 4 to 5 months, depending on...
Feb 10, 2017 | News
Events Coming soon: Bauen & Energie Wien 16-19.02 Vienna, Austria (EST) Säästvate energialahenduste tasuvuskoolitus 20.02 Tallinn SME2GO Smart City matchmaking export training 22-23.02 Västeras, Sweden Mobile World Congress 27.02-02.03 Barcelona, Spain (EST) Mis...
Jan 20, 2017 | News
PAKRI is offering suitable R&D for Estonian largest small windturbine manufacturer Tuge Energia. Prototyping and testing started and the R&D project will last 4 months. R&D is co-financed by Enterprise Estonia (
Jan 16, 2017 | News
Fresh pictures about Greenroom, the demoroom for our greentech companies. 13 technologies now under testing and soon the room will be open for public for short term office and meetings.