On 28.03 we announced that first prototype were installed (see https://pakri.ee/rd-of-industrial-solar-heating-panel-on-going-in-pakri/). Now we are proud to inform, that also second prototype of solar heating panel for industrial building are showing great test results. Second prototype is with PV-panels, meaning that they produce heat and electrisity from one panel

Product development project is co-financed by Enterprise Estonia..

28.03 informeerisime, et esimene prototüüp sai paigaldatud, vt https://pakri.ee/et/rd-of-industrial-solar-heating-panel-on-going-in-pakri/. Nüüd on meil hea meel informeerida, et ka teine päikese õhkküttepaneeli prototüüp  on paigaldatud ning näitab head test tulemit. Teine prototüüp on koos pv-paneelidega, mis tähendab et üks paneel toodab nii sooja kui elektrit korraga.

Tootearendust kaasfinantseerib EAS.