PAKRI opened the first building complex this summer, see the press release The first building has own heating system and as from this year the heating system uses 100% renewables. With the start of heating period the scientific study nr 2 analyzes the consumption and optimization of the heating and different renewables efficiency. Study lasts the whole heating period, meaning April/May 2013. During that also different methods of optimization are done and recommendations for the next heating period will be composed.

More information: info @

PAKRI opened the first building complex this summer, see the press release The first building has own heating system and as from this year the heating system uses 100% renewables. With the start of heating period the scientific study nr 2 analyzes the consumption and optimization of the heating and different renewables efficiency. Study lasts the whole heating period, meaning April/May 2013. During that also different methods of optimization are done and recommendations for the next heating period will be composed.

More information: info @