Favor AS, the Estonian LED manufacturer (ledenlights.com) is now testing our Kivi 12 building complex’s lights. They are testing movement with Thinnect sensors and the lighting’s electricity consumption per minute with Efergy equipment. Results will show how large the cost for lights electricity is, and with that information we can calculate investment profitability for new smart LED lights.


Favor AS, Eesti led-lampide tootja (ledenlights.com) testib hetkel meie Kivi 12 hoonekompleksis laevalgustite tööd. Favor testib Thinnect sensoritega ruumis liikumist ja Efergy mõtteseadmega valgustite elektritarbimist. Tulemused näitavad kui suur on valgustitele kuluv elektrihulk ning saame sisendi, et arvutada investeeringu kasumlikku, kui vahetada ol.olevad lambid uute nutikate led lampide vastu.