PAKRI together with many partners is responsible of establishing the Energy- and Environmental Technology Development Center (Greentech RDC). Just minutes ago, the large 14M eur project was sent to EAS (Enterprise Estonia).

It has taken a lot of effort, time and different resources, but it has been great teamwork together with innovational companies and strong science partners.

Sincerely thank you all and lets push the Greentech RDC into air.

PAKRI üheskoos paljude partneritega asutas Energia- ja Keskkonnatehnoloogia Arenduskeskuse (RoheTAK). Minutid tagasi esitasime mahuka ca 14M eurose projekti EAS’ile.

Nähtud sai palju vaeva, kulus palju aega ja erinevaid ressursse, aga see on olnud tugev meeskonnatöö üheskoos innovaatiliste ettevõtete ja tugevate teaduspartneritega.

Siiralt täname ja lükkame üheskoos RoheTAK’i lendu.