Garage48 is a startup hackathon serie, turning your idea into working prototype .

Greentech Garage48 is held from 08.05-10.05 in Tehnopol and PAKRI is a panelist evaluating the projects.

This springs’ Garage48 GreenTech Tallinn 2015 event gives everybody an opportunity to make their environmental and climate change improving ideas into reality. The aim is to gather people from different fields and skill sets and unite them into well-working teams. So if people from environmental field have experiences and knowledge about what is missing in the field, then IT experts on the other hand, have the skills to develop the ideas into working prototypes.


Garage48 on alustava ettevõtte 3-päevane ajurünnak+teostus seeira-üritus, kus pööratakse sinu idee töötavaks prototüübiks.

Rohetehnoloogia Garage48 toimub 08-10.05 Tehnopolis ja PAKRI on üks žürii liikmeteks hindamaks projekte.
