PAKRI together with TEHNOPOL represented their synergy for greentech companies in Latitude59 Cleantech demo room. We were proud to present our clients and partners from Goliath Wind (innovative wind turbine), Unipallet (pallets from recycled paper) and Proton Ventures (energy storing device).

Some memories from the event:

Picture nr 1: Behind Goliath 3,3MW turbine models Mr. Vinton G.Cerf (Google), Andrus Viirg (EAS), Jaan Heinsoo (EAS) and Enn Laansoo, Jr. (PAKRI)

Picture nr 2: Sceme about synergy provided by PAKRI and Tehnopol to greentech companies


PAKRI together with TEHNOPOL represented their synergy for greentech companies in Latitude59 Cleantech demo room. We were proud to present our clients and partners from Goliath Wind (innovative wind turbine), Unipallet (pallets from recycled paper) and Proton Ventures (energy storing device).

Some memories from the event:

Picture nr 1: Behind Goliath 3,3MW turbine models Mr. Vinton G.Cerf (Google), Andrus Viirg (EAS), Jaan Heinsoo (EAS) and Enn Laansoo, Jr. (PAKRI)

Picture nr 2: Sceme about synergy provided by PAKRI and Tehnopol to greentech companies