Eile osales PAKRI tegevjuht EU peamise kliima innovatsiooni programmi Climate-KIC Innovatsiooni ja Jätkusuutlikuse konverentsil Birminghamis, Inglismaal.

Korraldatud Birmingham City Ülikooli  ja ‘Open Innovation Lab’ (OIL) poolt.

Ühe päevane sündmus käsitles tuleviku tarku linnasid ja kuidas kujundus võib kiirendada innovatsiooni ja luua majanduse kasvu.

Järgnevalt programmist (inglise keeles):

  • Keynote speaker – Dr Rachel Armstrong (TED Fellow); innovates and designs sustainable solutions for the built and natural environment using advanced new technologies such as Synthetic Biology – the rational engineering of living systems – and smart chemistry. Her research prompts a re-evaluation of how we think about our homes and cities and raises questions about sustainable development of the built environment. She creates open innovation platforms for academia and industry to address environmental challenges such as carbon capture & recycling, smart ‘living’ materials and sustainable design.
  • Dr Javier de la Cueva, International lawyer specialising in intellectual property and digital rights. He has defended numerous cases involving the uses of free licenses of intellectual property.
  • Lotte Lyngsted Jepsen, cofounder of Hatch and Bloom, is an innovation agency that bridges strategy and creativity. Based in Denmark, they are world leaders in design thinking and how we apply visionary ideas to real-world contexts.
  • Matthew Rhodes, founder of Encraft, runs a cross-discipline consultancy, engineering and web applications company specialising in energy efficiency and low carbon buildings.
  • Mark Brill, leading expert in digital media, innovation, Internet of Things (IOT) and futurology
  • etc