PAKRI CEO is taking part and presenting overview about PAKRI’s and TEHNOPOL’s testing opportunities in our smart grid, presenting our greentech companies and smart farm project.

The Baltic Dynamics conference “Innovation and technology convergence- strategy for smart growth” is an initiative of the Baltic Association of Science/Technology Parks and Innovation Centres – BASTIC – and has been held annually since its inception in 1996. The conference venue is rotated between the Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In 2016, it is Latvia’s turn again and the conference will be held in the country’s capital Riga, the largest city in the Baltic States.

PAKRI tegevjuht osalemas ja teeb ettekande PAKRI ja TEHNOPOLI testimiste võimalustest meie tarkades võrkudes, esitleb meie rohetehnoloogia ettevõtteid ja targa farmi projekti.

Baltic Dynamics on Balti riikide teadusparkide algatus ning on toimunud igaaastaselt alates aastast 1996. Igal aastal toimub konverents roteeruvalt igas Balti riigis.